Monday, June 28, 2010

Breaking the Rules

So, I'm breaking the rules already.  I'm writing.  I just couldn't help myself.  Don't worry, most posts from now will be pictures only.

I took pictures of my baby sister, Jubilee, today.  She's four and she thinks that she knows better than me.  Already.

Anyway, every time I try to take pictures of her, I remember why I don't do this often.  Why?  Because for every one of these...

I get two of these.

I don't do this often because all the cute ones are blurry or dark and have to be photoshopped to within an inch of their lives.

I don't do this often because this is her idea of smiling.

I don't do this often because she likes silly and I like artsy.
(Or at least, I try.)
Medusa, anyone?

And even when she's trying to please me, this is still all I get.

And I don't do this often because whenever I tell her what to do, this is the look I get.

She's still cute sometimes.

At least I got a picture of a butterfly out of the whole thing.


  1. In the fourth picture down, she looks just like mom did when she was a girl. Amazing.

  2. I think she looks a *lot* like you, Lindsey, in the third picture. [I'm actually not being sarcastic/mean.] When I think of the spontaneous crazy faces you like to do, I think of something like Jubilee's expression in that picture.
